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  1. J


    Is this white spot scale? We have a spot like that on every grout line between each tile. Gentle scrubbing with the nylon or wire brushes doesn't help.
  2. J

    Chemical Balance After SLAM

    We completed our SLAM and passed the OCLT this morning. Water is clear and CC was about 0.3. The article on SLAMing says to let the FC drift back down but I was wondering if we should do anything with other chemical levels at this point. Should we use Pool Math and follow the guidance from...
  3. J

    Fighting Black Algea

    So glad to have found these forums and appreciate all the info available to help pool owners! We put in a 10,000 gallon SWG pool with Pebble Tech finish about 3 years ago (pic attached below post). We are first time pool owners and the builder wasn't great about education and care info...