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  1. T

    One pump; worth it to add a second one?

    We just completed a new pool build. 14,300 gallons, pool, spa, 2” plumbing, spa overflow, two non-laminar deck jets and two bubblers with 3 pool returns. As of now we are trouble shooting all of the water features. I have the Intelliflo pump at speed 4, 3100 rpm I think. One bubbler works...
  2. T

    2 years of planning and it’s finally DONE in Tampa!

    2 years of planning, numerous changes, budgets that seemingly don't exist, and a hard start date of January 2019 have finally come to fruition. We found a pool in a model home a few years ago that we fell in love with. Taking the general pool (seen in the first pic) we made it our own and made...
  3. T

    Has anyone used 3" pipe for suction and 2.5" pipe for all returns?

    As the title states, starting build next week and the steel guy asked me if I want him to use 2.5" or 3" suction from the both the pool and spa main drain to the pump? We initially planned on using 2.5" suction lines and 2" return lines, but would it be worth the extra money for the larger pipes...
  4. T

    Final review of soon to be built OB- Tampa

    I have been lurking for a couple of years now and have posted a few threads with various questions which have all been answered. I am so grateful of this website! Anyway, here is where we are at. Initial budget was about $50,000. :p:p:p . WAS........... :mad: - Existing gunite pool and screen...
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    LED Lightning review

    BDavis recently suggested purchasing the new nicheless Pentair Microbrite lights. All of our equipment is picked out...... except for the lights. We are doing LED bubblers which require Pentair Globrite lights, but we are not sure if we should be the guinea pig with a new product or just do...
  6. T

    Do you regret using glass tile?

    We are starting our OB pool in January and after speaking to numerous tile guys, they literally have all told us to stay away from the glass waterline tile. They have all said that even if you keep your water perfect you will be a slave to it as far as buildup and mineral deposits go. We are...
  7. T

    On to third design, looking for some input.

    Updated and finalized renderings are at the bottom of page 1. Thank you guys for your suggestions! Tell us what you think!
  8. T

    How did you pay for your pool?

    As the title says, what type of financing did you use (if you were not lucky enough to have a fat bank account)? We are putting a new OB pool in early next year and were looking into a home equity line of credit so i could write a check to each contractor and trade, rather than get a lump sum up...
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    Questions: Ripping out current pool and replacing with a new one

    Like the title says, our backyard currently has a small kidney shaped pool which is in poor health and a complete eye sore for the back yard and the deck. In January of 2019, we will be starting construction on a new pool. I will try and post some pictures of the pool design that we will be...