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  1. Cocoswims

    Suction pressure

    So, I've kind of asked about this before but, I've gotten so many different responses from TFP and other long time multiple pool owners that I'm feeling iffy on what to do. Our new pool was finished the first week of March. Everything was great for about a week. Then the pool started to lose...
  2. Cocoswims

    Best part of "Just Getting Started" is the first day in the pool. Dallas suburbs.

    Best part of "Just Getting Started" is the first day in the pool. Dallas suburbs. First time pool owner this year, build was finished the beginning of March and, today was my first day in the pool. Granted, I've technically been in the pool already but, only after I was overheated from the spa...
  3. Cocoswims

    I'm not a stupid person, I just play one on TFP. A story of a check valve.

    Ugh. So, guys, it's been a rough week for this first time new pool owner and it continues. The pump failed to self prime last Saturday morning and ran dry for 4 or 5 hours as best we can figure. Supposedly, it has a censor that shuts itself off before too much damage can be done but, who really...
  4. Cocoswims

    Green Pool.

    I stopped by Wal-Mart after a late night at work, to pick up some 'chemicals' for the new pool so that it could get it's first, real ph adjustment. When I arrived home, my pool was totally green. After a horrified minute, I remembered that it's St. Patrick's Day, and it was just the green lights...
  5. Cocoswims

    Any tips before Orientation?

    So, the build is done, the pool is full, and start up is scheduled for tomorrow. Last step is Orientation and since I've read a lot of the Pool School threads and watched A LOT of videos, I'm wondering what to be mindful of during that phase. My PB has a retail store and so, I'm sure that I...
  6. Cocoswims

    I was never OCD until I had a pool...

    I'm out with a flashlight watching my pool fill, infinitesimally, in the middle of the night. I have city water. Should I add another hose to the other bib and throw it in? Anything to be gained there? Aside from my own satisfaction of feeling that I 'did all I could'?