Search results

  1. T

    Expansion plug or Gizmo?

    I closed this year with #10 expansion plugs in my skimmers (instead of Gizmos). I still used the Gizmos, but I screwed them into the unused threaded holes in the skimmers. Then I chopped up some noodles and crammed them in there as well. I did it this way because I never trusted the "water...
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    Pool Antifreeze...What's The Point?

    A number or people on this board pour antifreeze to protect their lines during the winter freeze. I've read recently that antifreeze is heavier than water, So it would naturally sink to the lowest point in your plumbing. If that point is below the freeze depth, then there there doesn't seem to...
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    Can anyone identify this Algae?

    I'm assuming it's some sort of algae. Mustard? Common Green? Other? It's greenish. It started last week even though I had been maintaining FCL at 3.5 - 4.0. First it was on two verticle corners. Then it spread to all corners of the pool. Now it's showing up in patches on the floors and the...
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    PH Keeps Going Up

    My Ph has been continually creeping upward. The pool was completely renovated in April. This included a new liner, new pavers, and coping. For the 13 years prior to this renovation, I've always had to deal with Ph dropping BELOW range. Now, I find it inching past 8.0 every week to 10 days. I...
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    First Season With Stenner

    I'm preparing for a three week trip to Europe. I just set up my Stenner pump and poured 20 gallons of 8.3% Clorox Bleach into the tank yesterday. I tested the pump and observed that it moved one (1) quart of water in 28 minutes. I'm a little iffy on the use of poolmath for this, so I'm hoping...
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    Using Jesse's Graphical Pool Testing Log 3.3

    I'm unsure how to use this for Chlorine. I hope someone here can help me. I'm in the ending stages of a complete renovation during which I completely emptied and refilled the pool. There is currently no chlorine in the water, but I just got the CYA up to 40. Ready to add chlorine now. I just got...
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    What's the real deal with Calcium Hardness and Pool Heaters?

    Yesterday, I came home from the pool store with 25 pounds of CH raiser that the saleslady convinced me I absolutely needed to protect my pool heater from damage. I had just emptied and re-filled my pool and my CH is currently 30ppm. When I read thru this forum, a number of posters tell us it's...
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    Where to Start?

    We emptied the pool last week to install the new liner and re-plumb everything. The pool now has 28,000 gallons of Long Island tap water, and I just did my first test of the year. Using my ColorQ-Pro kit, which was right on the money last year, I came up with the following readings: FCL = LOW...
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    Liquid Chlorine OR Bleach

    Last year I stopped using pool-store chlorine tabs and switched over to the BBB Method. I was pouring bleach directly into the pool. After ruining two pairs of shoes (bleach splash-up), I decided to get a Stenner Pump. I had intended to fill the Stenner tank with 8.25% Bleach, but would Liquid...
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    Stenner Pump with Hayward Tristar VS

    I am undergoing a major renovation and have just had a Hayward Tristar VS 900 pool pump installed. I also just ordered a Stenner 45mhp10 pump for chlorine/bleach injection. What's the best way to set this up so that the Stenner only runs when the pool pump is running? Can the Tristar timer start...
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    Pool Noodle Instead of Gizmo?

    Not sure where I got this idea...probably here. I closed 2 weeks ago, screwing Gizmos into the bottom of the skimmers. It seems to me that a noodle, properly "curled" into the skimmer, would displace a lot of water that might otherwise pour in, as well as protect against ice expansion. Instead...
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    How to "Bond' a Heater"

    I had a new Raypak gas heater installed. My concern is Galvanic Corrosion. The unit is situated 10 feet from the equipment pad. Can I buy some sort of sacrificial anode and bury it near the heater? If so, what would I buy?
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    Can SLAMMING Hurt my Heater?

    I brought the pool up to shock level 2 days ago. My FCL is now at 8.3. That was 5 minutes ago. While looking at the heater manual for closing instructions I noticed it highlighted in bold that chlorine should be maintained at no more than 5 ppm. I read that imbalances in alkalinity and...
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    Closing Questions Regarding Slam

    I'm preparing to close for the first time. I'm using the PoolMath and Calculator to calculate the dosing for the SLAM...awesome tool btw. With my CYA at 48, the Calculator indicates that I need to bring FCL up to 19 ppm to achieve Shock level. PoolMath tells me I need to add 596 ounces of 8.25%...
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    Best Cartridge Filter for My Pool?

    We're contemplating a complete renovation. I've settled on an EcoStar or Intelliflo variable speed pump and a Cartridge filter. What are our best options for a Cartridge filter for our 28,000 gallon in-ground?
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    Chlorine Free Shock

    What is the argument for Chlorine Free Shock prior to closing? I noticed the pool stores pushing this in their winterizing kits. I had intended to dump bleach into my pool to bring it up to shock level several days before closing. Is there a better way?
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    Best Time of Year for Pool Renovation?

    This question is directed to those of you in the Northern USA and Canada... We're in the southern end of New York State. I'm about to contract with a builder to renovate an 18 x 36 in-ground. The work will include a new liner, new coping, the replacement of all the lines, and the installation...
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    Pouring bleach into the chlorinator

    Any reason NOT to do this? I switched over to TFPC Method last month. I still have an in-line chlorinator in the loop...the thing I used to put the hockey pucks into. It occurred to me last night, while I was pouring bleach into the pool, that I might get better dispersion if I poured it...
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    Another Closing Question...The Sand Filter

    This will be the first time closing for me. I'll be using a Cyclone II Blower for this. I will be disconnecting the pump and blowing air directly into the PVC pipes. My plan is to bypass the sand filter by setting the valve to the "re-circulate" position prior to blowing the returns and the...
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    Can't Get Pump to Prime

    I blew out my lines today. This was a "dry run" in anticipation of closing next month. I used a Cyclone II blower to force air into the suction and pressure sides of the plumbing. This included blowing air thru the heater. The Cyclone is high volume / low pressure, so I'm fairly certain I didn't...
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    1st Time Closing - What about the Main Drain?

    I bought a Cyclone Blower to do my own closing. My pool has an 8 foot deep end with a Main Drain. I’ve pretty much figured out how to blow the skimmer and return lines. Once I’ve blown those lines and plugged my skimmers and returns, that will leave me with a nice little geyser coming up from my...
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    Question Regarding CYA

    I've had this pool for 15 years, but this is the first year that I've been closely monitoring the chemistry (just spent 3500 on a new heater). CYA has been steadily inching up to 120. After downloading the Pool Calculator and plugging in today's readings, I realized that with CYA at 120, the...
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    Switching from Chlorine Tabs to Bleach

    This is my current status: FCL: 3.58 TCL: 3.58 PH: 7.6 ALK: 118 CH: 260 CYA: 116 ============ I'm looking to switch from buying pool store chemicals to the TFPC method. How do I use the bleach? How do I calculate the "dosage" and the to I introduce it? Can I just pour it...