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  1. bytecowboy

    Paint now to buy time to save for plaster?

    The paint in our pool is worn off in lots of places exposing the concrete, so it's obviously time for something to be done about it. We just bought this house back in July and I'm not even sure the last time it was painted. Based on my research I'd like to plaster the pool but the cost is pretty...
  2. bytecowboy

    Pool cloudy after 3 straight days of rain

    Pool has turned murky after raining for 3 days straight. Tested FC/CC around noon today then the rest of the numbers a few hours later to make sure there wasn't something off: FC 3.5 CC 0 CYA 30 TA 110 CH 300 With so much cloud cover and the lower temps FC hasn't seemed to drift lower very...
  3. bytecowboy

    First time pool owner, sanity checking my numbers

    Been the owner of this pool for about a week now and have been voraciously reading all the great info on this forum for several days. The previous owners had been renting the house for several years and the pool had been in various states of neglect. This year the pool did not get opened until...