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  1. R

    Liner issues

    All, I've filled my pool a couple of times in the last couple of days and today noticed that the liner appears to be very loose throughout the pool. It's night time, so it's tough to identify any leaks, but it seems like the liner is pulling away from the wall all over the place. I can't find...
  2. R

    Update/Success Story

    I realized that I haven't been around to give you guys an update. In short, following my SLAM, pool maintenance has been an unmitigated success. Today's test was as follows: FC: 6 CC: 0 TA: 140 CH: 225 CYA: 50 Last year it was Di-Chlor, Cal-Hypo, Liquid Chlorine, PH Up, PH Down...
  3. R


    Heading out on vacation for 4 nights. Should I float a couple of pucks (my CYA is already around 50), or should I just get the pool up near mustard level and let it float down until my return? Since my slam my water has looked amazing and I don't want to let it get away from me now.
  4. R

    Lot of work to do...

    Ok, just got my test kit, did my first round of testing. I have a disgusting murky green pool that I need to clear. First numbers are as follows: ph 8.0 TC: 5.5 ppm FC: 1 ppm CC: 4.5 PPM CH: 150 TA: 180 CYA: Couldn't get the dot to disappear, which was weird because it was pretty high...
  5. R

    Hello from Chicago

    Greetings all, Great site you have going here. I'm a new pool owner (got it in August) and frankly, at the advice of the prior owners, got myself on the pool store hamster wheel. Long story short, an algae bloom turned into strange advice to shock the pool over and over with dichlor and I...