White rice like bugs in skimmer


Active member
May 14, 2018
Attleboro, MA
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Not sure which forum area this would fall into. I have been dealing with a lot of issues this year. Anyway, I have been using filter socks to try and help catch stuff before DE filter. Anyway changing out the skimmer sock today I noticed these white like rice bugs? Any help on what they are and how to get rid of them would be greatly appreciated.IMG_2490.jpegIMG_2489.jpeg
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What kind of larvae? Are they only in the skimmer or clustering in the pool as well?
I take it back i am not sure if they are Larvae or not. I could only see them in the skimmer basket. I replaced the skimmer sock last night and this morning checked there was not a lot of debris and i didn't see any of the white rice like things anymore. There may have been a few but since the skimmer sock was white it was hard to tell. I look around the pool rail, the deck and in the water and i didnt see any there. They were only in the skimmer.