Why didn't my calcium drop?


Gold Supporter
Jun 9, 2020
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Jandy Aquapure 1400

When the pool was closed last November the water level was dropped at least 16 inches and the solid loop loc cover put on. Starting in Feb, I started pumping the snow melt and rain from the cover into the pool to start filling it up. I did this with the hopes of dropping my calcium level which was at 425ppm. 16in of water is just about 10K gallons or 25% of my pool volume. For some reason, I am still at 425ppm with nothing but snow/rain water filling it up and I don't understand why. All reagents were within the 1 year and bought from tftestkits.

I know I'm still in the manageable range but I figured I could get ahead of it and not have to drain/replace water in a year or 2. My fill water was around 100ppm last time I checked.
any thoughts?

Was the water level dropped 16 inches, or 16 inches from the coping ? The pool level is normally about 6 inches down, plus 2 inches of coping. Lowering the water another 16 inches would have the solid cover stretching 24 inches and that's well over the manufacturers recommendations.

8 inches of water is only 12.5%, and may or may not immediately show with the 1 drop variance on the test kit. (+/- 25 CH).

Let the spring rains do their thing and I don't forsee your CH rising much, if at all. Any given couple of weeks may be one way or the other, but you probably level out in the end between rain overflow and evaporation.
That's a very good point, I didn't think of it that way. I'll have to measure how far down the returns are but I'll bet you are correct. Thanks
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