Intelliph not working


Jul 22, 2022
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair Intellichlor IC-40
My intelliph will not dispense acid. It has a new pump head tube and I disassembled the unit and ensured all tubing is clean and clear. I removed the injection tube from the injector fitting and ran several manual dispenses. No acid flows from the tube. The roller assembly rotates normally.

Does the pump need to be primed? Any suggestions why it isn't pumping any acid?

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I assume the suction tube in the tank is installed and hasn't come loose from the fitting. Could you have reversed the suction/discharge lines when re-assembling?

Could you have reversed the suction/discharge lines when re-assembling?
That's why mine wouldn't work after initial installation! So Jeff beat me to it! To me, they are not intuitive. The outlet should be the inlet and vice versa, which is why I got them wrong ('cause I didn't read the directions)!

The suction tube, inside the tank, has a filter on its end. I suppose that could get clogged if enough gunk got into the tank. I've never done it, but I think you have to disassemble the tank to get at it.

You do not have to prime the pump. Did you try disconnecting the outlet side of the pump, at the pump (the tube that runs to the injector) to see if acid comes out of the pump at that point?

The pump tube is a consumable part. That should be replaced at least every other year, if not every year. Technically all the tubing are consumable parts, including the lines that run from pump to tank and pump to injector.

The injector can get used up, too. So that gets replaced periodically, too (though it sounds like that is not the problem).

If the pump is rotating, and acid does not flow from it when the outlet tube is disconnected, it pretty much can only be four things:
- the pump tube,
- the inline filter in the tank,
- a clog in the tube running into the pump,
- a clog in the tube that the inline filter is attached to
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This was my pump tube after several years, I was ignoring the recommendation to change it out once a year. If it's not round and flexible, replace it.

old iph tube.jpg

They're supposed to look like this:
Screen Shot 2024-04-18 at 1.06.53 AM.png
If you haven't changed that tube in over a year, then do so. That'll either fix the problem or eliminate the tube as the problem. It needs to be done either way if it's older than a year. (I know you said your pump tube is new, but "new" can mean different things to different people.)
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You could test for a clogged inline filter without disassembling the tank. Disconnect the inlet tubing from the fitting on the tank. Disconnect the outlet tubing from the pump. Then stick the inlet tube into a cup of water. Run the pump. If you get water out of the pump, then it's not the inlet tube, it's probably the filter. If you don't get water out of the pump, then it's either the pump tube or inlet tube.
Thanks for the suggestions. I did disassemble the tank and checked the filter and (in tank) tube supplying the pump, via the Tube Outlet nut (aka Suction Fitting). I also checked the inlet (suction) tube and injection (discharge) tube. All tubing is free and clear, no obstructions. The head tube is new.

I guess the only component in the plumbing system I didn't verify is the Outlet Tube nut. I can't imagine this could be the problem, but I'll confirm/eliminate this component. After that, I guess I'll have to start throwing parts at it. Does anyone sell just the roller assembly? I've only seen it sold in the Pump Repair Kit (522386).

Did it ever work with the current pump tube installed? Or did you replace the pump tube after it stopped working?

I forgot about the rollers. Yah, I guess it could be that part. Did you try drawing fluid through the inlet tube with that tube detached from the tank fitting, and the output tube detached from the pump?
Does anyone sell just the roller assembly? I've only seen it sold in the Pump Repair Kit (522386).
Yah, Pentair's replacement parts pricing can be a b. Depending on the year of the pump, it might be a Stenner pump. You could try calling Stenner to confirm, and then ask if they sell just that part.
Thanks for the Stenner pointer. Their pumps look eerily similiar.

The intelliph was installed in Summer 2022 and was operating. I was away most of the 2023 pool season, so I'm not certain if it operated properly. I pull and plug my intellichlor in the winter so it wasn't operating then. I replaced the head pump tube when I reinstalled the intellichlor this spring.

The only thing I can think of is the roller assembly is slightly worn, just enough that the rollers aren't squeezing the head pump tube enough to draw acid from the dispenser.
Thanks for the Stenner pointer. Their pumps look eerily similiar.

The intelliph was installed in Summer 2022 and was operating. I was away most of the 2023 pool season, so I'm not certain if it operated properly. I pull and plug my intellichlor in the winter so it wasn't operating then. I replaced the head pump tube when I reinstalled the intellichlor this spring.

The only thing I can think of is the roller assembly is slightly worn, just enough that the rollers aren't squeezing the head pump tube enough to draw acid from the dispenser.
So was the new (current) pump tube working correctly at some point?

I don't have any experience with the roller assembly. But logic would suggest that if Pentair offers it as part of a rebuild kit, it must be because it tends to need to be replaced, right?

See if Stenner sells the roller separately. If memory serves, older IpHs have some other pump, the newer ones have a Stenner pump. 2022 should be a newer model. But sometimes older models that have been sitting in a warehouse somewhere can crop up. Can you find any model or part numbers on the pump anywhere?

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Yah, Pentair's replacement parts pricing can be a b. Depending on the year of the pump, it might be a Stenner pump. You could try calling Stenner to confirm, and then ask if they sell just that part.

Great idea. I contacted the Stenner folks and they informed me the roller assembly part number is EC350. I have one on order and I'll report back after I install it.

$30ish for the roller assembly is much better than $100+ for Pentair's kit
Installed the new roller assembly yesterday and the system is operating normally.

Big thanks to Dirk for identifying the pump as a Stenner product. If anyone wants to buy just the roller assembly, instead of Pentair's Pump Repair Kit, I recommend searching "Stenner EC350." It was available from a dozen or so places, I chose the one with the quickest delivery time.


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