Sand in pool, no broken laterals


Active member
Oct 6, 2018
I have a Hayward S244S sand filter and after opening my pool last week I noticed that my pool cleaner was picking up quite a bit of sand. I had a broken lateral several years ago that I replaced so I assumed another one had broken. I took out all of the sand and have checked the laterals, none of them are broken or damaged. Could there have been something weird that happened when I opened the pool and the sand was all dry after the winter? Or does this mean that something else in the filter setup is broken?

Thanks in advance for any tips!
Odds are there is still something amiss in the filter. If not a lateral, perhaps the center standpipe. Is yours a top or side mount MPV? Any chance the in & out plumbing was connected backwards? That happens quite a bit at opening.
It is a side mount and unfortunately one where I can't easily remove the standpipe to take a look at it. I think it's probably not a issue with the plumbing being backward though since I've been running it without issue for about 8 years.
With a side mount, I might have been concerned about possibly over-filling with sand, but you had this problem before opening it up. :scratch: With your sand experience, I doubt there was any owner-user type issues. Before assuming the worst to open up the filter a second time, maybe consider placing something over a return jet or two to see if it's still blowing sand? Perhaps a knee-high stocking or something?

Sand should not be able to pass a MPV back to the pool unless perhaps the pump is overrated, so I doubt that is an issue since you haven't changed anything. So if you are still finding sand in the pool over the weekend, you may have to open her up again. :(
With a side mount, I might have been concerned about possibly over-filling with sand, but you had this problem before opening it up. :scratch: With your sand experience, I doubt there was any owner-user type issues. Before assuming the worst to open up the filter a second time, maybe consider placing something over a return jet or two to see if it's still blowing sand? Perhaps a knee-high stocking or something?

Sand should not be able to pass a MPV back to the pool unless perhaps the pump is overrated, so I doubt that is an issue since you haven't changed anything. So if you are still finding sand in the pool over the weekend, you may have to open her up again. :(
Thanks for the tips. I'll try putting a sock or something over the return jets and see if they catch anything. Hopefully I don't have to remove the sand from the filter again :).
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