Auto cover winter water level


Bronze Supporter
Jul 22, 2017
Indianapolis, IN

Where should the water level be in our pool during winter. We have a leak that was repaired and new liner to be installed during the spring. When it was closed by pool company the level is lower and we are just to keep eye on the level of water. I just read today that some advise not lowering the water level at all during the winter to keep the cover supported. Here are some pics from today to show where level is. Is it ok to open cover when weather is freezing? Also do you keep pump on cover all winter with snow and ice?

Thanks for help!

I hope someone answers, I have had many questions lately with minimal response? Am I writing on incorrect topic?


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An autocover always needs to be supported by pool water. If you live in a climate with winter freeze, and therefore must close the pool including lowering the water level, you should not use the autocover as a winter cover. Leave the autocover open and use a separate winter cover over the pool.
We have an auto cover. I lower the water level to just below the top of the Gizmo, which is about an inch or two above the skimmer opening.
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