Long time, no post… help needed!

I’ll stop panicking I think
Panicking does absolutely ZERO. :) Actually it does -10 because it hurts. Stay focussed on the big picture. Everone is ok, everything is ok (except for the minor roof leak), and the pool is dirty. Not broken, ruined or damaged. Dirty.

It will take time and patience, but they are both free. (y)
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Panicking does absolutely ZERO. :) Actually it does -10 because it hurts. Stay focussed on the big picture. Everone is ok, everything is ok (except for the minor roof leak), and the pool is dirty. Not broken, ruined or damaged. Dirty.

It will take time and patience, but they are both free. (y)
Absolutely! We are very thankful. I think I’m just suffering from pool build ptsd, which anyone who was around at the time might recall the nightmare that was.
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Thanks. I’ll stop panicking I think. It’s just a shock to see.
I am another Brisbane 'rain bomb' victim. Stay strong and keep the chlorine up and you will be TFP clear again in no time. I am at the end of the second day of my SLAM and it's already looking a lot clearer. Just ensure with the additional rain forecast for Thursday and Friday you have done whatever you can to redirect any further water given the ground will still be so wet.
I am another Brisbane 'rain bomb' victim. Stay strong and keep the chlorine up and you will be TFP clear again in no time. I am at the end of the second day of my SLAM and it's already looking a lot clearer. Just ensure with the additional rain forecast for Thursday and Friday you have done whatever you can to redirect any further water given the ground will still be so wet.
Sorry you’re dealing with this crazy weather too. Glad to hear your pool is looking much better. I haven’t slammed yet as still getting everything balanced and clean before doing an OCLT… plus I’m working so don’t have time to SLAM. Maybe on the weekend. Will definitely do as you suggest and try and direct the water so I’m not back at square one on Thursday. Will try and grab some sandbags or if not bags of soil to redirect. Fingers crossed it’s not nearly as bad. I heard 100mm expected. We were having that in an hour on Sunday! Good luck!
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plus I’m working so don’t have time to SLAM. Maybe on the weekend.
We have advised many a member to start on a weekend. Saturday you can come and go with the quicker errands / chores and still be free every 2 hours to test and add. By Sunday it usually gets 4+ hours holding FC so you have even more freedom and on Monday 8+ hours is plenty to be back at work. The work week is the 'waiting' part of brushing and cleaning the filter occasionally as the FC holds pretty well.

Or it's an easier SLAM that's done Sunday night.
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We have advised many a member to start on a weekend. Saturday you can come and go with the quicker errands / chores and still be free every 2 hours to test and add. By Sunday it usually gets 4+ hours holding FC so you have even more freedom and on Monday 8+ hours is plenty to be back at work. The work week is the 'waiting' part of brushing and cleaning the filter occasionally as the FC holds pretty well.

Or it's an easier SLAM that's done Sunday night.

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Sorry you’re dealing with this crazy weather too. Glad to hear your pool is looking much better. I haven’t slammed yet as still getting everything balanced and clean before doing an OCLT… plus I’m working so don’t have time to SLAM. Maybe on the weekend. Will definitely do as you suggest and try and direct the water so I’m not back at square one on Thursday. Will try and grab some sandbags or if not bags of soil to redirect. Fingers crossed it’s not nearly as bad. I heard 100mm expected. We were having that in an hour on Sunday! Good luck!
I have used a product called 'quick dams' to redirect water in the past with success. They are small until they get wet (they have the same translucent jelly as a nappy). They swell when wet and they can then be dried out and reused. Bunnings used to stock them however I can only see them on amazon now. They helped when we moved in and realised we had an initial drainage issue running into our pool. Looks like it will get another run while I put a permanent fix in place for this newly identified runoff.
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I have used a product called 'quick dams' to redirect water in the past with success. They are small until they get wet (they have the same translucent jelly as a nappy). They swell when wet and they can then be dried out and reused. Bunnings used to stock them however I can only see them on amazon now. They helped when we moved in and realised we had an initial drainage issue running into our pool. Looks like it will get another run while I put a permanent fix in place for this newly identified runoff.
I looked at the quickdams and they look good but didn’t have time for postage. I’ve just dug back all the river rock and put in a solid garden edge between the pavers and drain. Hoping it does enough to redirect any excess water with this next inundation. On a positive note, the pool is looking better.


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Your pool is looking good - can see progress already just catching up on this post. I'm not even sure you need to think of a SLAM as a foregone conclusion. Sand filters can be slow in filtering out suspended particles! If it's really filtering you need, think about adding some DE or 'filter fiber' to your sand filter. I found it really does help clear that last little bit surprisingly quickly. Big downside in your case though is that you'll have to backwash fairly quickly and more often - if that's not an option then don't go down this route!
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Your pool is looking good - can see progress already just catching up on this post. I'm not even sure you need to think of a SLAM as a foregone conclusion. Sand filters can be slow in filtering out suspended particles! If it's really filtering you need, think about adding some DE or 'filter fiber' to your sand filter. I found it really does help clear that last little bit surprisingly quickly. Big downside in your case though is that you'll have to backwash fairly quickly and more often - if that's not an option then don't go down this route!
Thanks. Yes, I’m not sure a SLAM will be needed either. No problem if it is though. I am interested in the filter fibre, especially to clear the last bit. Backwashing quickly and more often shouldn’t be a problem now. Will look into it. I’ve heard the pros and cons before but never used it.
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