Re: Shock


New member
Apr 17, 2021
So I bought a pool opening kit, used it according to the directions for my size of pool, then took a water sample to our pool store. They told us what needed to be changed, including shocking the pool. My problem is my shock is chlorine free, 43% Potassium Monopersulfate, so how do I use that compared to what the pool store had recommended? See pictures for what reading the pool store found.


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Hello and welcome!

We do things differently here from how the pool store recommends. Our methods are based on knowing exactly what is going into your pool and testing with your own accurate tests to know exactly how much of what chemicals you need to add. “One size fits all” opening kits aren’t something we subscribe to, and non-chlorine shock throws off the tests we recommend like crazy and isn’t recommended.

If you’re interested in how we roll, check out ABCs of Pool Water Chemistry and other articles in Pool School. :) Let us know if you have questions, but we can’t really give advice on other methods when we have a specific one we use here. :)
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