Recent content by TulsaMary

  1. T

    Pool water is blue but particles in the water.

    TF test kit, I got in and stirred it around and brushed and removed anymore of the junk I could find with my toes... I will add more stabilizer.
  2. T

    Pool water is blue but particles in the water.

    FC 10 pH 7.2 CC1.5 TC 11.5 AT120 CH 120 CYA 0 When I went to open the pool this year my cover had a hole in it so everything was dumped into the pool. I skimmed a lot of it and then once I heavily shocked for a few days I got in and scooped most of the crud from the bottom. The pool was blue...
  3. T

    Could I possibly delay in opening pool?

    I don't know about the CO2 but with exception to the shade the tree is very much a nuisance.
  4. T

    Could I possibly delay in opening pool?

    I have an above ground 24' pool. I have used the TFPC method for the last two years.... THANK GOODNESS for you guys... I will not step foot in a pool store again... Anyway, I am lucky enough to be going to New York June 17th-July 5th. I have not opened my pool yet because I am debating on...
  5. T

    Once the green turns cloudy blue.

    So once my green turns cloudy blue should I continue to keep it at shock level?
  6. T

    CYA keeps going up

    That's so crazy... I'll have to wait on a drain for a bit... I hope I don't get into any trouble... So does the CYA eventually wear down?
  7. T

    CYA keeps going up

    I haven't used any since I switched to BBB. But before that i put in a bunch of powder shock... I used floater tabs up to about a week ago but I stopped using them...
  8. T

    CYA keeps going up

    So I have been using the BBB method for almost two weeks now... My pool is looking great. I am using the TFTest kit. What is strange is it seems like my CYA is going up. It was 90, I drained, refilled, it was at 50, moved up to 65 and today it is at 90? FC 8.5 CC 3.5 TC 12 PH 7.5 T/A 110 CYA 90
  9. T


    I received my test kit today! WOOHOO! FC 18 CC 1 TC 19 PH 7.2 T/A 100 CH 270 CYA 65 So it seems like my CYA has gone up, any ideas how that happens? I know that I am needing to raise my FC to 26.. Any other suggestions? The pool is still blue, I can't see the bottom yet but it is progressively...
  10. T

    2 questions related to vacuum and sand filter

    I hope my test kit comes today! I am new to TFP also, but since Friday my green swamp is light blue, a little cloudy but improvements everyday... This is just my second year as well and I was to my wits end, but I have faith in the BBB method. Keep reading and exploring the site. I learned more...
  11. T


    THE POOL IS LIGHT BLUE!!!!! Cloudy but light blue... I can see the third step now!!!!
  12. T


    Wow, everyone on here is so awesome... I keep hoping the fedex guy pulls up so I can begin doing the proper testing.... We did go ahead and have the birthday party, the kids are having a blast....
  13. T


    when I had it tested yesterday it was at 50...
  14. T


    Gosh, I am hoping that it gets here today.... I ordered yesterday morning... FedEx 2days... So....
  15. T


    SO I stuck my vacuum head with two bottles rubber-banded on it so it wont suck to the bottom in the center of my pool... So I can filter from the bottom rather than from the top... I think I can see a tiny bit more of my ladder then earlier but then again the sun is brighter...