Recent content by Truwolf

  1. Truwolf

    Is there a 4-way valve?

    in spa mode I need 100% spa on both ends. for the other 2 I can have the valve sit in the middle - like I do today with my 3 way valves.
  2. Truwolf

    Is there a 4-way valve?

    Hi JamesW, Thanks for weighing in. I thought I explained it before ... - I have 3 incoming pipes (cleaner, spa, main drain) - then pump/filter/heater, etc - 3 outgoing pipes from there (pool jets, waterfall, spa) In my mind it is obvious that 2 x "4 way valves" would be a way simpler setup...
  3. Truwolf

    Is there a 4-way valve?

    yeah, saw that. But this one doesn't have the standard screwed-on top ... so, you couldnt put an actuator on top. Thanks, Truwolf
  4. Truwolf

    Is there a 4-way valve?

    Thanks, JamesW. This one seems to feed from the bottom, so the diversion can go all 4 ways. Cool ... Currently out of stock unfortunately. Will report back if I get my hands on it. Thanks, Truwolf
  5. Truwolf

    Is there a 4-way valve?

    ... and if no - why not? I have 3 ways for my water to go: pool jets, waterfall, spa. I am 100% sure many pools have more than 2 options. Same thing for the intake: spa, cleaner, main drain. I was looking everywhere and there doesn't seem to be a 4 way valve. So, you got to fiddle with 2 x...
  6. Truwolf

    Sharing my low cost, DIY pool automation

    My heater is old too. But it returns to it's last setting when I power it on. Which is all I need. Put a ZWave switch to it and when I turn it on it heats up to 95 degrees or whatever my favorite temperature is. Same goes for my old blower.
  7. Truwolf

    Sharing my low cost, DIY pool automation

    Hey brian1454, Glad you like my project. But it's too much to write it all down here, as it took me a year or so from start to finish. I recommend you do it like me: step-by-step :). A warning though ... this requires quite some hardware (fabricating, wiring, ...) and software skills (setup...
  8. Truwolf

    Sharing my low cost, DIY pool automation

    I will report back after I joined the club 😬
  9. Truwolf

    Sharing my low cost, DIY pool automation

    Forgot to mention one thing: I use Home Assistants remote service (Nabu Casa) and I can operate that control panel from everywhere I have Internet. Also installing a camera these days which means I can watch the water level and drain it from anywhere.
  10. Truwolf

    Sharing my low cost, DIY pool automation

    Yeah, there's some risk. But going out in the night with a flash light and fiddling with that old mechanical timer is s risk too. Mine missed a cover and the bare wire's where visible. Good shocked more than once 🙄. I also think the risk is limited. What could happen is that in the 2 minutes...
  11. Truwolf

    Sharing my low cost, DIY pool automation

    The housing is awesome. Good quality and completely hidden. I had to file some material away as the power adapters "hidden cable" I bought wasn't thin enough. Makes by Mike offers slim cables too. See photo ...
  12. Truwolf

    Sharing my low cost, DIY pool automation

    My pool area tends to get flooded when it rains heavily and too many times I was out there at night with a flash light switching on my mechanical pool timer (getting shocked several times) and opening those valves to pump out the pool. As I already was using Home Assistant for several things I...
  13. Truwolf

    How many transformers for pool actuators

    Hi there, I am in midst of an automation project which will involve a bunch of pool actuators. Right now I have 2 and there will be 5 eventually. I am trying to find out how many 24V transformers I need to run those 5 actuators. 1? 5? I tried to find out how many watts an actuator uses, so I...