Recent content by Toddimus

  1. T

    Dissolving Salt Pellets Method

    Good to know. Thanks! I was thinking that I wanted to aim for CSI as close to zero as possible. I do have some scaling (I think) in the deep end walls and I want to prevent it from getting worse.
  2. T

    Dissolving Salt Pellets Method

    The swirling inferno of saltwater was pretty cool to watch. I took a video for posterity's sake. Now, I need to get my TA down a bit. We have water restrictions so replacing ~2/3 of my pool water isn't an option to reduce my calcium hardness from 730. It sounds like I can compensate for that...
  3. T

    Dissolving Salt Pellets Method

    Does it really dissolve fast by brushing? I didn't even try that. :) I was deterred by the prospect of having to wait 24-48 hours for dissolving as suggested by the SWG pool school section on adding salt. I guess the benefit of my method is that you can drink a beer while the flowing water...
  4. T

    Dissolving Salt Pellets Method

    Hi there, My first post here. Been reading up and using the pool calculator for a couple of months. I decided to take over from the "pool guy" and take responsibility for the pool myself, so I needed to read up on what to do. This site is perfect for a guy like me! Anyways, I decided to...
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