Recent content by TheNeck

  1. TheNeck

    New Videos from TFP-Help us out some!

    AWESOME videos
  2. TheNeck

    Newbie needs help were to start

    Home with ColorQ pro 7 till I get my tf100 kit
  3. TheNeck

    Newbie needs help were to start

    Thanks for the link
  4. TheNeck

    Newbie needs help were to start

    Thanks What’s the best way to lower ph? Sorry for the newbie questions.
  5. TheNeck

    Newbie needs help were to start

    Still waiting for my TF100 kit, borrowed my neighbors colorq pro 7 to test the water. i just drained roughly around 11-12k gallons of water from my pool. it was green so i shocked it because i hadn't found TFP yet. Cleared up over night, but water was cloudy, tried clarifier helped a little...
  6. TheNeck

    What's your favorite pool gadget?

    thanks for the reply, wasn't sure if they were referring to one particular robot or not.
  7. TheNeck

    What's your favorite pool gadget?

    when you guys say robot, what device are you referring to exactly? sorry for the noob question. thanks
  8. TheNeck

    TF-100 Kit @ Amazon?

    ok thanks guys
  9. TheNeck

    TF-100 Kit @ Amazon?

    is there a tf-100 kit on amazon? i just found TFP and i want to get a tf-100 kit ASAP and was just wondering if amazon prime had a similar tf-100 kit so i can get it right away. I looked myself but didn't see one that looks the same. Thanks