Recent content by TedC

  1. T

    Still cloudy after 11 days

    Another recent thread here reminded me that chlorine is more effective at a lower ph. 7.2 was the recommendation. Another post mentioned that it took something like two weeks of SLAM to get their pool clear. I think you just have to be patient. Many people here, including me, have come back...
  2. T

    Green Pool opening after 4 years

    That looks like my pool did four years ago. I bet a pool shop could fix the liner. or knows someone who can. I shocked it, scrubbed it, and had to change the DE in my filter several times - you are way ahead of me by power washing it first. Use the method described here, and your water will...
  3. T

    Still cloudy after 11 days

    Could there be something off with the hardness or alkalinity? Maybe your CYA test is bad? You mentioned the chlorine and ph, so I'm betting you checked the rest, but it couldn't hurt to ask...
  4. T

    Weird water test results at startup this year...

    I haven't noticed scale this year or in the past. It got a new liner last spring, but the old liner wasn't crusty. I use 'The Pool Calculator' web site with TFP goal levels. It puts my max CH at 300, so I wasn't worrying too much. Since 50 is the goal min, I can work it down. FWIW, the...
  5. T

    Weird water test results at startup this year...

    Hi All! This is my fourth year opening this pool. I've had two great summers thanks to all the advice here. I just ran all my ( now three year old ) test kits, and it's mostly OK, but with some surprises - at least to me. Background - 19K vinyl in ground. 3k ppm salt ( for comfort - no swg...