Recent content by srfdmatty

  1. S

    LAARS LX400 Heater Repair or Buy New

    Hi everyone, First of all I want to thank everyone for their help on this site with me managing my pool for the past 6 years. This site is great!(y)(y) My LAARS LX400 pool heater went down. It wont turn on and heat and the pool repair company looked at it and stated that the blower motor is...
  2. S

    First season troubles

    Thanks everyone for your responses! I'll work on getting the ph down to 7.2 and then slam the pool this weekend using the directions on this website. Yeah PAGirl the drought here in Northern Cal is putting a damper on the water use but hopefully we'll get rain next week. I'll try as duraleigh...
  3. S

    Reading CH test results with TF100 kit

    Hi all, Question regarding reading CH test results using the TF100 test kit. Should I be mixing between drops? The directions don't indicate to swirl between each drop but reading on the site sounds like I should be doing it. The color changes to blue with red streaks during my test. Is the...
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    First season troubles

    Hi all, I took over maintaining my pool this year from the pool company. I have been doing my testing with the TFT100 test kit. All was going well until the last month. I left for vacation for a while and when I got back I got lazy with the testing and now I have issues. Totally my fault for...
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    Interpreting first few weeks of testing for newbie

    Hi all, So I let the pool cleaning company go after the first year of owning our new house which has a pool. I like doing things on my own so I've been reading your site for the past 4 months trying to learn as much as I can and have really enjoyed it and finally decided to start doing all of...