Recent content by ShannonB

  1. S

    How do I find out the make and model of an above ground pool???

    Went to go look at it and they had a great Hayward pump and sand filter but the pool itself was to degraded I think to be able to move without some pretty serious issues. So I'll probably just stick with my plan to put up an Intex Ultra 22' for this summer and look into a new more permanent AGP...
  2. S

    How do I find out the make and model of an above ground pool???

    Thanks. I'm going to look at it this afternoon so I'll make sure to get some good pics:D
  3. S

    How do I find out the make and model of an above ground pool???

    I found a used above ground pool on Craigslist but the people inherited it with the house when they bought it. They have no idea who the manufacturer is. I would like to have an idea before I buy it. Should it be on the pool somewhere? Can anyone help me out. I attached a photo.
  4. AGP.jpg
