Recent content by severaljoneses

  1. S

    pH Standard

    Hey, I wanted to see what y'all think here. I ordered the R-7062 pH Standard 7.2 from TFTestkits and got the result below. That can't be 7.2, can it? It's not the slightest bit orange/yellow. I would read it maybe at 7.6 (maybe even a bit higher). I showed it to my wife to make sure my eyes...
  2. pH standard.jpg

    pH standard.jpg

  3. S Shipping and Handling

    I just tried to order the complete refill kit at For my $38 order the cheapest shipping option was $18! Does anyone know what's going on there? That kind of removes any financial advantage to ordering test reagent refills there. Since this is the last day for the sale (I think)...
  4. S

    pH Testing

    Hi, I'm using a Taylor K2006 test, and had a general question on pH testing. The kit calls for a 44ml water sample and 5 drops of R-0004. However, the color turns really dark for me and I have a hard time comparing it to any of the colors on the chart. When I use 4 drops, the colors are much...
  5. S

    pH rise

    Thank, I've thought about borates. I might give it a try.
  6. S

    pH rise

    Thanks for the responses and advice. I do run the pump for about seven hours a day. I suspected that might be the issue. If it is, I'm OK with adding the acid frequently. I just want to make sure I don't have any other issues.
  7. S

    pH rise

    Hi, we built our pool about 1 1/2 years ago and I found this site soon after (I would have changed a couple of equipment choices - in-line chlorinator, UV sanitizer - if I had found the site a couple of months earlier, but live and learn...) Anyway, I use 10% liquid chlorine to sanitize my pool...