Recent content by scottiem

  1. S

    Predicting FC attenuation rate in a covered spa when not being used

    Sorry about that. I included that info in my profile but I guess it didn't save. Should be good now. As far as location. I live in Oklahoma City and I have a Tuff Spa TT450 Platinum (350 Gal). I'm going to drop the temp as low as it will allow and the pumps come on about every 12 hours and run...
  2. S

    Question regarding floating chlorine dispensers

    I like your idea as I'm going on vacation for a week and would like to keep my chlorine level up, I have a 350 gal tub. Couple quick questions for you if you don't mind. 1. What size PVC did you use and how long did you make the pipe. 2. How many holes did you drill in it. 3. Did you just let...
  3. S

    Predicting FC attenuation rate in a covered spa when not being used

    Currently the temp is at 104F. I'd hate to turn it off completely as the temps while I'm gone are supposed to be around the highs or 40's and lows of mid 20's. Even though the spa is well insulated I'd hate to take the chance of something freezing up. I could drop the temp to the low point of...
  4. S

    Predicting FC attenuation rate in a covered spa when not being used

    You beat me to it. I was going the ask the same question as I'm getting to ready to go on vacation for 7 days and was wondering if there was anything special I need to do or as you mentioned to just slam it when I get back home. Tub will remain covered, running and heated during this time frame...
  5. S

    Newbie Using TFP Chlorine Method On My Spa With Questiions

    Thanks to all for the valuable information. I'll add Dichlor for now to get my FC up and CYA level to around 30 and see where my TA and PH are after that. It seems like it will be trial and error for a while until I can get the actual amount of chemicals I need after drain and refill and then...
  6. S

    Newbie Using TFP Chlorine Method On My Spa With Questiions

    Okay bear with me as allot of this is new to me. I'm use to testing water as I've had fish for years so I don't have issues with that. Question I have is that with my current TA now at 50ppm will I be able to get the PH that low (6.0) without taking the TA lower then recommended. I still haven't...
  7. S

    Newbie Using TFP Chlorine Method On My Spa With Questiions

    First off Hello to everyone and thanks to those who have provided valuable information on this forum. I'm new to the world of Spa ownership and have had a Tuff Spa TT450 Platinum (350 Gallon) for about 4 months now. Over the last month or so I've been reading about the TFP Chlorine method and...