Recent content by rodman82

  1. R

    Where to Buy Plain White Liner Scraps for Patching?

    Sorry if this sounds dumb but I have a tear above the water level and need to patch it asap. Does using another piece of a liner really work to patch it? What type of glue do I use and how would I put it on?
  2. R

    wedding stair case questions

    I'm thinking for this year just sand bags to weigh it down. Thank you for the tips. There going in this weekend and I can't be more excited. I just want to be careful moving them to much as I'm afraid of rips.
  3. R

    landscaping around pool that soaks up rain water

    First year we put in our 24 foot above ground so with all of the digging, poor drainage for the rain water and new Yorks soil the rain does not have anywhere to go but around our pool. Muddy mess!!! We have put all soil back around pool but the soil is actually clay so it's not soaking it up...
  4. R

    wedding stair case questions

    Just obtained a 24 foot pool with the wedding cake style steps how do I put them in the pool and put the weights in them? Weights in before lowering into pool? Also how would I take the weights out of the steps when closing the pool for winter? New to all of this. Thanks in advance