Recent content by rmyoung

  1. R


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  4. R


    It could be because it the deepest part of the pool but it is closest to equipment.If it is poor circulation what do you do. Also turned n water fall which is about 5 ft from problem area
  5. R


    I will post pic in morning. I have waterfall on different pump near area would running that help
  6. R


    I use bleach and my cya is 30. I am getting frustrated because I brush 3 times a day but I still have areas that won't go away. Today I only lost 2 ppm over 6 hours but still can't get it gone. - - - Updated - - - Also test kit is the recommended on this site.
  7. R


    First time to get algae in pool .it isn't bad mainly in deep end and on ledges. I followed the instruction On this site and got my FC up to 12 and checked it 4 times starting at 4 pm.each hour had FC loss of about 3-4. When I went to bed my FC was 12 and now this morning is a 12. Does this mean...
  8. R

    Can't get chlorine levels above zero

    I have a three week old pool.Last week my chlorine levels went to zero because of not enough pucks in chlorinator. A week later and plenty of pucks I can't get my numbers beyond zero.i do know I have chlorine as I can smell it. My PB said to crush pucks and put in skimmer it didnt work. PB says...
  9. R

    PB forgot side drain

    just curious if/how this was resolved.