Recent content by quiet

  1. Q

    New owner of beautiful green pool

    Picture update of our progress so far.... It's been challenging, but we are starting to see results. Looking better .... We shall keep plugging away.
  2. pool-7-13.jpg


  3. Q

    New owner of beautiful green pool

    *sigh* Yes, can't read my own notes. TA - 75 CH - 350 Thanks for the info ... hoping to start the party tomorrow, will post how it goes. :)
  4. Q

    New owner of beautiful green pool

    We've just closed on our new home, a foreclosure, with a SWG pool. We have been doing a lot of reading and trying to learn as much as possible as we embark on this adventure, but now we are ready to get started. This site rocks, by the way. It has already been immensely helpful! As advised in...
  5. pool.JPG
