Recent content by normc

  1. N

    Just got my TF-100 and this is what I see...

    AquaCheck Pool and Spa Test Strips expires 2016/02 Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. N

    Just got my TF-100 and this is what I see...

    Thanks for the warm welcome. I need to get it a little warmer before I swim in it :-) but the kids will most likely be in it this weekend. I did do the wipe between each drop and the drops looked "big" to me, but they were a consistent size. I'll probably do the tests again on Sunday just to...
  3. N

    Just got my TF-100 and this is what I see...

    12000 Gal in ground pebble tech pool. FC 24 PPM TC 24 PPM CH 250 TA 170 CYA 80 PH 7.5 Salt 3000 PPM - By titration using strips it shows 3.8 which seems to indicate less than 1000 PPM. My SWG indicates 3900, and test from pool store last week showed 3000 also, so I tend to trust the titration...