Recent content by mschmidt33

  1. M

    Tile border around vinyl pool?

    I looked on their website but really didn't see much. Do you have a link or as anyone aware of other options?
  2. M

    Tile border around vinyl pool?

    I have a five-year-old in-ground vinyl pool that we built and the vinyl above the water line is faded really bad in some spots can you add a tile border? I've seen some post in the past but they were all older, if there's any one out there that does this in how? I've read about some tracking...
  3. M

    Which SWG for my buddies pool?

    Thanks for the info. Any of those options better than the other? Which model numbers do you recommend for his pool? Which can be purchased for the least?
  4. M

    Which SWG for my buddies pool?

    Posting for my computer illiterate buddy with a 30k gunite pool. He wants to swap his inline chlorinator with an SWG. He has no automation. I have an IC40 for 20k so naturally was thinking an IC60. He wants to do it right so looking for opinions. Thanks in advance.
  5. M

    Mesh Safety Cover - How Tight?

    Guess I need to go take a look huh... thanks guys. Will tighten it up so its flat and fill water to 15"
  6. M

    Mesh Safety Cover - How Tight?

    Don't you mean spring stretch vs. compressed? They are already fully compressed when unhooked.
  7. M

    Mesh Safety Cover - How Tight?

    How do you set the compression? Confused? None of the springs are stretched.
  8. M

    Mesh Safety Cover - How Tight?

    I have a mesh safety cover contoured to my kidney shaped pool with a set of steps on each end. The PB installed it last year and informed me to get the water level to about 15" before it snows. I did so and got 4 small dime sized holes in the mesh last year. I think this was from some water...
  9. M

    Closing an in ground pool

    Update: Borrowed an air compressor and it handled the main drain no problems! Finally 100% closed. ph at 7.5, good to go.
  10. M

    Closing an in ground pool

    I did it all myself... used a 5hp shop vac that did great on all the lines but could not get bubbles on the main. Should I worry? How about a less costly option that will do the trick?
  11. M

    Closing an in ground pool

    bump... Same problem here. I tried both a 5hp vac and a leaf blower. Put down a gallon of antifreeze for now. Last year my PB closed and all they had was an electric leaf blower??? No way they could have gotton bubbles out of the main. I had no issues with all other lines. Mike
  12. M

    HELP - Thinking of getting rid of our IntelliFlo VS-3050

    Thanks for the check valve tip! We did have some leaks in the solar when installing it. All appear to be sealed now. We also cracked the filter gauge this winter so I have a small pressure side leak right now. Though, I'm bypassing the filter right now so it should not be an issue. I also don't...
  13. M

    HELP - Thinking of getting rid of our IntelliFlo VS-3050

    Forgot to mention we also have an IC40 SWG. the VSP is nice as I can set the slowest speed and still allow the SWG to function. This speed changes if the solar is active or not, as well as if the deck jets are on and how clogged to filter is. My hope is the the low speed on a 2-speed would be...
  14. M

    HELP - Thinking of getting rid of our IntelliFlo VS-3050

    All, We have an IntelliFlo VS-3050 with SVRS and one main drain, one skimmer, 2 main returns, 2 jetted steps and 3 deck jets. We also have a solar system on our roof. I love the flow we get out of the IntelliFlo at max speed and how it works well with our Easytouch. But I absolutely can not...
  15. M

    IntelliBrite 5g LED beam angle

    bump... I have one of these and am wondering the same thing. How do you adjust the angle?