Recent content by momikey

  1. M

    I am crying. Pool leaks and Filtration problems.

    Happy to hear the news, water looks better in each pic you've posted! I was nervous about that tear and didn't want to scare you, but I was hoping you guys were tending to it ASAP. I'm going to leave the specifics about your pump/valve/chem questions to the pros on here. I'm in a completely...
  2. M

    I am crying. Pool leaks and Filtration problems.

    Hey OP, good job with how things keep coming with your pool. I keep checking up on your thread and feel bad now that I see the liner:( I came home to the same type of tear in the liner earlier in the season, but my pool had lost about 5,000 gallons of water by the time I had gotten home from...
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  5. M

    I am crying. Pool leaks and Filtration problems.

    Good Job OP, you've been through a lot this first pool season for you already. Every year following this one is going to seem easy as pie after what you have done. Good luck with getting the water balanced now, keep posting up your info and when things start to get clear you can add the DE and...
  6. M

    Pool Blaster Max

    Thanks for the reply regarding using your robot with the patch still. I put my patch in just a couple weekends ago after coming home to a partially drained pool one day. The water was only about 52 degrees so I did it as a rush job, seeing that the pool store didn't have anyone to send out that...
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  9. M

    Pool Blaster Max

    Thanks for the quick reply, I'll use the timer on my phone as others have suggested as a reminder!
  10. M

    Pool Blaster Max

    Thinking about pulling the trigger on this now that my pool has a patch on the floor and I don't want to risk running my dolpin robot over the patch when cleaning. How is it holding up so far and do you notice any difference with charging this new model?
  11. M

    Chlorine/ solar cover

    Yea, they should be called solar blankets and not solar covers, I thought it was going to heat the pool at first too! Before we had our solar blanket we would use our pool heater on the weekends to bump the water up to the 80's. Over the course of the week with the cold Vermont summer nights (58...
  12. M

    4 days after opening - a little cloudy pool

    I'm in the same situation, up here in Central VT spring has brought with it lots of pollen. I opened 4 days ago and I'm holding chlorine fine, have a nice blue pool but cloudy in the deep end. I've added DE to my sand filter and now have the skimmer socks in every day and i'm changing them...