Recent content by makoman82

  1. M

    Battling Clarity - Questions

    Thank you everyone for the testing advice on the DPD powder. My CH as tested last night is 250, which should be ok. I am getting away from the pool store chemicals and going to the BBB from now on, but was just short of bleach this morning so went with the 16oz of Cal Hypo. I actually...
  2. M

    Battling Clarity - Questions

    Ok I will get it up into the 20s. I had thought the minimum was 15 based on the best guess chlorine chart. I am going to use 16oz of Cal Hypo 65% since I am low on bleach this morning. A question on the testing. I am doing the 10ml sample. When I add the DPD powder must I use the 2 scoops...
  3. M

    Battling Clarity - Questions

    Re: Battling Clarity - OCLT results now included Ok so yesterday I did quite a few Chlorine tests when I could. Here are the results and actions: 6/20/14 Noon FC=14 CC=0.5 Added 46oz of 8.25% bleach to bring back above shock level. 6/20/14 5:30pm FC=13 CC=0.5 waited till dusk (8:15pm) then...
  4. M

    Battling Clarity - Questions

    Thanks Jon. After reading a lot here I was starting to think the "debris" may be dead algae constantly cycling, but not being defeated. Will do an OCLT tonight and post results in am. Thanks!
  5. M

    Battling Clarity - Questions

    Hello everyone. I have been reading everything on the site for the past week and it is a gold mine! I have been battling a clarity and possible algae issue since the summer started and had zero luck fixing the issue. Including several trips to the pool store. After finding the forum and...