Recent content by mailmanx

  1. mailmanx

    Does Using A Supplemental System Such as CMP Del AOP 25 Change the Parameters that I need to Maintain?

    You are incredibly perceptive! I LOVE gadgets! As for the ColorQ, I knew that it was not top-rated, but I am color-blind to the point where I just can't see minor differences in color of other kits. It reads what I cannot.
  2. mailmanx

    Does Using A Supplemental System Such as CMP Del AOP 25 Change the Parameters that I need to Maintain?

    So if the salesman wants to be truthful, he will say, "This is a great system! It creates some good stuff for you. Unfortunately, it also destroys the stuff that it creates. Therefore, if you start with clean water and monitor your parameters, your water will (probably) stay clean!" Ha, ha...
  3. mailmanx

    Does Using A Supplemental System Such as CMP Del AOP 25 Change the Parameters that I need to Maintain?

    The search engine has been belly-up this morning.... I have installed a CMP Del AOP 25 system on my above ground pool because I got it for a VERY good price and decided it sounded interesting. My question is: Does using this supplemental system change any parameter levels that I should watch...
  4. mailmanx

    Thru-Wall Skimmer Basket on Intex Easy Set Pool

    That's a definite possibility. Thanks!
  5. mailmanx

    Thru-Wall Skimmer Basket on Intex Easy Set Pool

    Doing a thru-wall skimmer on an Easy Set pool with the inflatable top ring would affect waterline height more than it does on a "supported wall" above ground pool.
  6. mailmanx

    Thru-Wall Skimmer Basket on Intex Easy Set Pool

    I have decided NOT to get a thru-wall skimmer. My girls love it when I have the water as deep as possible, like a couple inches up the ring. I am currently researching options to either buy or make a "floating" skimmer that will attach to one of the intakes with a few feet of flexible hose and...
  7. mailmanx

    Thru-Wall Skimmer Basket on Intex Easy Set Pool

    That is an excellent point that I had not thought of. I'll ponder that for a bit and decide if that's worth it to me. THANKS!
  8. mailmanx

    pad under easy set pool?

    As I recall, Easy Set pool kits include a pool pad. I doubt it's a very good one. I can't say for sure since I bought my Easy Set pool a-la-carte. I created a compacted sand base, then put a Rhino Pad over that just to be safe. I'm happy with that.
  9. mailmanx

    Thru-Wall Skimmer Basket on Intex Easy Set Pool

    I thought this sounded like a great idea until I tried it. Turns out that the part of this skimmer that floats up and stays "just" under the surface has no bottom. It's the part that lifts up out of the casing and floats away when the kids are making waves. That leaves the bottom part of the...
  10. mailmanx

    Thru-Wall Skimmer Basket on Intex Easy Set Pool

    Has anyone done this - successfully? I installed the typical Intex floating basket skimmer. It has great potential, EXCEPT: It doesn't work while the kids are swimming because it gets knocked all to heck and the basket comes out. I know that the instructions say not to use it while swimming...
  11. mailmanx

    Intake and return fittings for 2-inch hard PVC?

    I ordered and installed the (3) Hayward SP1408S2 fittings and they are perfect! They are a true 2-inches I.D. They come with a reducer to 1.5-inch I.D. if that is needed for an accessory. I am very happy with these fittings on my above ground vinyl pool.
  12. mailmanx

    Intake and return fittings for 2-inch hard PVC?

    That sure is true! I've looked and looked for a 2" return fitting. All I seem to be able to find are 1-1/2" return fittings, unless I can make the Hayward SP1408S2 work. I ordered (3) of the Hayward SP1408S2 fittings. I will report back as to whether they are truly 2-inch.
  13. mailmanx

    Intake and return fittings for 2-inch hard PVC?

    SAMMCKIN - Thanks for your reply! I have considered that as an easy solution. However, I hate the idea of plumbing everything with 2-inch PVC only to restrict the flow at the intake / return.
  14. mailmanx

    Intake and return fittings for 2-inch hard PVC?

    I am obtaining all of the parts and equipment to DIY build an 18-foot above ground pool with 2-inch Schedule 40 PVC. The only thing I'm having trouble with are the intake/return fittings. I can find them all day long for 1-1/2 inch, but I'm having trouble finding 2-inch. Hayward makes SP1408S2...