Recent content by lukeswill

  1. L

    Pump, difficult to prime and kept primed

    I have teflon all the connections when plumbing the new system back in feb. I greased the seals/o-rings at the oretga valves and pumps. But I am not ruling out leaks either, I believe there's some of that going on. As for filter... one of the syptom is when i open the pressure gauge relief it...
  2. L

    Pump, difficult to prime and kept primed

    Main Problem: Pump is have difficulty priming at low speeds (1750) and at 2200, it would start struggling around 6pm (7 hours into its cycle). When I say struggling, I mean it would suck water than there would be like a pressure build up than a lot of water come out, than not much out, than...
  3. pump2.jpg
