Recent content by kealey

  1. K

    Refilled Pool

    I was wondering why the conditioner instructions say to dissolve the powder in a bucket of water and directly to the skimmer. 4LBS per 10,000 gallons. I was wondering why you suggest using a sock? I am sure there is a good reason. Thanks Paul
  2. K

    Refilled Pool

    I am totally new to pool lcare. After I lower the PH how do I add CYA and how much?
  3. K

    Refilled Pool

    Hi Dave, Yes. Its clear. Is there a specific order that I need to follow? CYA first perhaps? I am assuming CC and CYA is 0 because its a new refill? Paul
  4. K

    Refilled Pool

    Ok. Here are my test results. Remember this is a newly refilled pool. I added 3 quarts of 8.25 % bleach. That's all. FC 2.0 CC 0 TC 2.0 PH 8.0+ TA 100 CH 220 CYA 0 Any advice what to do next? Thanks Paul
  5. K

    Refilled Pool

    Thanks for all the replies. This is one of the best and most informative sites I have EVER used. Test kit should arrive tomorrow and I will post some numbers. Paul
  6. K

    Refilled Pool

    Hi Kim, I also want to purchase some chemicals. What else will I need? Can I avoid pool shops? I would love to stop using shock and other expensive chemicals. Paul
  7. K

    Refilled Pool

    Is there a difference between household bleach and the liquid chlorine that you buy at Lowes? Is one preferable to the other? Thanks Paul - - - Updated - - - Thanks. Hoping to get my pool up and running without spending too much!
  8. K

    Refilled Pool

    I have a 12,000 gallon pool that has just been drained and refilled. I would like to start to get it balanced. How should I start. I would like to use liquid chlorine. I just ordered the Taylor K-2006 test kit. I will test the water and post the results. I was just wondering where I should...