Recent content by jcorn23

  1. J

    Too much water on top of winter cover

    I have had a ton of rain since I closed my pool. I know I want some water in there to help the cover stay in place during windy days but is it possible to have too much water?? I have a cover that is for a 27' pool and my pool is only 24' so I have plenty of slack. Im just concerned about that...
  2. J

    Hello from Ohio

    Greetings every one in TFP land. I am so happy to of found this site. I am brand new to pool ownership and was feeling totally overwhelmed. Once I found TFP I feel much better and am actually looking forward to getting a TF 100 test kit and really testing my pool. I have actually already started...
  3. J

    CYA Levels

    Brand new to pool ownership as well as TFP. So glad I found this site. Im looking forward to getting a "real" test kit but in the meantime I picked up a 6 way tester from WalMart. Everything looks good except my CYA level. I would say its inconclusive. But I think its reading 0. Should I take...