Recent content by crustacean

  1. C

    Adjustable spa jets - are they supposed to turn off?

    Reading another similar post maybe I mean most of my jets bubble excessively. Sounds like I may need more water or less air? Water I guess I can check the filter as there's currently no readable flow meters in my setup. Air sounds like I need to add a valve or some holes? But first to...
  2. C

    Adjustable spa jets - are they supposed to turn off?

    I don't think I did a good job describing it. The small bubbles are OK and the water stream is OK. I think the water and air that mixes well inside the jet and shoots out lots of little bubbles is working well. My problem is that I feel like half the air is unmixed and basically burps out...
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  4. C

    Adjustable spa jets - are they supposed to turn off?

    Hi, I have a question that I haven't been able to find an answer for. With adjustable spa jets, when turning them to "off" will blower air still come right out of them? My very new plaster spa has 6 jets. It is driven a 1.5HP Pentair VS pump (~2700RPM) and a 1.5HP blower. We get a crazy...
  5. C

    New indoor pool chemistry advice?

    Yeah I knew there would be a few things I wanted to iron out before calling the installation completely finished. UV, chemical doser, mini circulator for my poolpak...once I stop adding things for a while I'll think about doing it!
  6. C

    New indoor pool chemistry advice?

    Yes that is an old picture there is an actuator now. Here is a better picture:
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  8. C

    New indoor pool chemistry advice?

    OK. I do have a small extraction fan running 24/7 providing negative pressure between poolroom and house so I could probably tie this hose in and apply negative pressure on the tank, too. In worst case I was planning on doing that to some chemical enclosure but the ipH is cheaper than a lot of...
  9. C

    New indoor pool chemistry advice?

    @ajw22 @mknauss @JoyfulNoise Thank you for the feedback and clearing up my misconceptions. We had a pool as a kid and I've always wanted one since but it's been an adventure bringing it up! I haven't described the HVAC at all but my dream is that once I get everything sorted just right it'll...
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  12. C

    New indoor pool chemistry advice?

    This sounds exactly like my situation. I seem to need a little all the time, and I don't want to spill or have the acid readily accessible indoors. Handling it once a month would make it more feasible to store elsewhere. My equipment is all indoors - I asked about doing it outdoors but if...
  13. C

    New indoor pool chemistry advice?

    Thanks. That all makes sense. Sounds like I could run the SWG at a higher percentage for a shorter time and then reduce or eliminate the flow. I'm been setting it to 3-8% daily based on usage so we definitely don't need much.
  14. C

    New indoor pool chemistry advice?

    OK my builder had the spillover running on a 24/7 schedule with 100% of the water going over. I've deleted the schedule and turned off the spillover. I am still spilling over now but you can barely see it - the valve minimum was set to a slight angle so it doesn't completely close off the spa...
  15. C

    New indoor pool chemistry advice?

    Thanks - still wrapping my head around what's possible with their logic. I went in and found under Advanced Settings -> Installation Setup -> Pumps that I could attach a new speed setting to my "Heater" circuit. I haven't updated to the new firmware yet (scared to, honestly) so maybe I am...