Recent content by chadlife

  1. C

    broken pump and rain = GREEN!

    Yes. I meant to say lower CYA. I was concerned that my CYA reading was higher than 80 as the green color is strong and the test is pretty subjective. I decided to do a partial drain/refill(it's a small pool). I'm shocking to 31ppm and will run a OCLT in a couple of days. I'm open to...
  2. C

    broken pump and rain = GREEN!

    Purchased the TF-100 kit about 5 weeks ago and the pool has been great! Thanks again for this forum. Last week, my pool pump stopped working and we had lots of rain. The pump is back to working order but the pool is now green. I've completely scrubbed and vacuumed the entire pool. I've also...
  3. C

    Kit arrived and first test complete

    Pool is currently clear/blue in color and slightly cloudy. I purchased a TF-100 Test Kit. Results are below. FC: 9.5 ppm CC: .5 ppm TC: 10 ppm TA: 60 CH: 50 CYA: 80 ppm Should I do a partial drain to lower CYA? Suggestions? Thanks. Chad
  4. C

    1st time poster - considering 2nd time drain

    My FC was 4 this afternoon(yellow again) and after adding YellowOut the water is blue(no longer green). I'll use liquid bleach to maintain proper FC and wait for test kit to arrive. The water is blue in color but cloudy. Thanks.
  5. C

    1st time poster - considering 2nd time drain

    Thank you for the follow up posts.posting.php?mode=reply&f=24&t=52449# I also thought that maybe I switched the reagents after my first red chlorine level but that's not the case. I was using trichloro granular chlorine and 3inch tabs. I switch to dichloro granular 5 days ago but stopped...
  6. C

    1st time poster - considering 2nd time drain

    To begin, thank you for providing this forum. I've already learned a great deal and look forward to learning much more. pH - 7 Chlorine: off the chart(red in color) I do not have any other readings but will add them tomorrow after a visit to Leslie's Pool Supply. I will also purchase the Taylor...