Recent content by CedarChuck

  1. CedarChuck

    New pool Plumbing diameter

    Many a pool owner looks back and wishes they use larger plumbing.
  2. CedarChuck

    Maytronics - done with them

    My M600 has been an absolute beast. I've run it about every 3rd day in a medium sized pool over the last 2 years. I do have to replace the tracks every year at a cost of $30.
  3. CedarChuck

    M600 track replacements

    Lol, turned out to be pretty easy. Just a matter of rotating the wheels manually while slowly moving the track off the wheels.
  4. CedarChuck

    M600 track replacements

    Anyone know how to get the tracks off of a Maytronics M600? Mine are worn to the point that the robot doesn't have the same traction as before.
  5. CedarChuck

    Pool floor: how long between robot runs?

    Thank y'all for the replies. Some very similar experiences to mine. Always wanting a spotless floor but also don't want to wear Louann out (the M600).
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  7. CedarChuck

    Pool floor: how long between robot runs?

    I use a robot to clean my pool's surface. During the summer running it every other day or more depending on weather. What cleanliness baseline are other using? Running the robot too often is undue wear but what problems at what point do you run into if you don't run it often enough?
  8. CedarChuck

    What is different about chlorine lock up in CYA vs Borates?

    Cool thank y'all for the explanation here. I will digest and incorporate this into my understanding.
  9. CedarChuck

    What is different about chlorine lock up in CYA vs Borates?

    We adjust the FC target based on CYA. Why is the borate level not also considered?
  10. CedarChuck

    rotate swg flow sensor off center to lessen sensitivity

    Make sense. My Aqua right is some where between 2-5% and producing more than I need at 78 F. Not a big deal, first year with a fully functional swg so still learning the ropes. My calcium is at 1000, fill water 750 so hyper paranoid about ph and swg run times...right now I'm running the pump...
  11. CedarChuck

    rotate swg flow sensor off center to lessen sensitivity

    I have to lower my pump rpm to below 450 in order to not run the swg. Would like to raise that limit and thinking of rotating the sensor so that the flow is at an angle and thinking it will lessen the sensitivity. If so has it worked for you or maybe not?
  12. CedarChuck

    What happened to my water?

    I heard multiple times that if you had CYA and it goes to 0 you probably have a leak.
  13. CedarChuck

    Heating, water/SWG circulation for a new in-ground spa

    The in ground spas are ethnically pleasing but with today's/tomorrow's energy prices they really don't make sense any more. My Sundance Optima is 18 and still running strong. Highly recommend that brand.
  14. CedarChuck

    Water Filtration Forum?

    Thank you Matt! We did get the well water and equipment inspected before we purchased and the water is hard and has trace bacteria but good other than that. The path leads with a sediment filter but am considering a larger one. The path goes sediment, block carbon, uv, softener and in the...
  15. CedarChuck

    Water Filtration Forum?

    Anyone know of a good water filter forum? We moved to a property with the only water source being a well (with a pool). And I've been wanting to go deeper into general filtration processes and details.