Recent content by branchop

  1. B

    multiple vinyl tears

    Fantastic thought Dave! Check for sharp edges on the vac head.
  2. B

    multiple vinyl tears

    How old is your liner? How old is you pool? What is the structure of the walls? I think the first thing to do is try to figure out why you got the tears to begin with. Was there a dog in the pool? Were your children playing with knives? (I tell mine they can play with them, as long as they...
  3. B

    When Dealing with a "problem"...what to test and how often?

    Normally, you only need to test Cl and PH on a daily basis. The others will be weekly and/or monthly, or once a season, once you get an idea of which ones fluctuate and which ones don't. Cl & PH are the two main ones needed to fight a problem, with Cl being the main one. If you need to...
  4. B

    Low PH level

    In the future, before going to the pool store (or any store) turn your eyball jets towards the surface. By breaking the surface, it helps to raise your Ph. I find this is just as effective and a whole lot less expensive.
  5. B

    CYA Dropped on it's own?

    We only drained about 2 inches - maybe. But we have replaced about a foot of water this season.
  6. B

    CYA Dropped on it's own?

    Seriously??? Then add me to the club of CYA dropping. Not as significant as a drop as 25, but enough. It was 50 at the beginning of the season and now it is 40. I chalked it up to draining rain water and replacing water when it evaporates. I really need to raise it about 60, but can't find...
  7. B

    CYA Dropped on it's own?

    If you lose water to evaporation and have to replace it with water that has no CYA, your CYA is going to drop. CYA doesn't evaporate with the water. The water you add for the evaporation dilutes the water with CYA. This is why when your CYA is high the only way to drop it is to partially...
  8. B

    NEWBIE Chlorine frustration

    I do need to clarify - my pool is about 4000 gallons more than yours. I do not lose ppm at night. but I do during the day. My CYA is low, probably could stand to be raised some, but adding it jug a day is easier. Also my pool loves algae, I think it tries to throw parties every day for it...
  9. B

    NEWBIE Chlorine frustration

    I add 182 oz of bleach a day to keep my chlorine levels up. My pool gets full afternoon sun. I expect this to go down as the temperature cools, The amount you add per day is not unusual. Last year I was having all sorts of problems, the pool never looked clear and we average around $25-$30...
  10. B

    CYA Dropped on it's own?

    Are you having to add water a lot because of evaporation?
  11. B

    Built a Bridge over Waterfall...not sure if I like it.

    I like the stone better as well. But as an alternative, I like the gray wood better than the red....
  12. B

    Test results inside, water slightly cloudy, should I shock?

    I have found that by elevating the free chlorine level, maybe not even to shock level but above normal, clears up my pool. then I let it go back to normal range. But you should always keep it at normal range, espeically if you are prone to algae. My pool thinks about algae and it starts...
  13. B

    Built a Bridge over Waterfall...not sure if I like it.

    I think you might be able to have the same visual effect with a gray stain on the wood. Maybe somebody could work that out so we can see.... (hint, hint) :lol:
  14. B

    Jennej's pool build -- near Charlotte, NC

    Who is building your pool? I am nearby, in Union County, right over the border....