Recent content by alwyn

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    The bottom of my pool has faded

    My pressure meter must be broken as the needle is always in the same spot whether pump is running or not, but yes it has always been this way with only a slight improvement right after I backwash but still not as strong as pools from the past. Usually on a bottle bleach, about half would go at...
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    Iron stains

    Definitively iron then. Thanks! Will it be more prudent to follow the AA procedure at pool opening or closing (it will be the first time I attempt it).
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    The bottom of my pool has faded

    Thanks for all the helpful replies. I believe that the fading is all my fault. After every disastrous pool opening I have shocked the pool and has probably been too vigorous in my efforts, partly due to using the ColorQ for measurements which I...
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    I need a good source for polyquat 60!

    How do you know a product doesn't contain copper. I've looked at the msds of the Kem-Tek sold on amazon and it doesn't list all ingredients, only the poly.
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    The bottom of my pool has faded

    I have started adding bleach directly to my vinyl pool about 1.5 years ago. 2 disastrous pool openings by the pool guys has resulted in me fighting mustard algae for a long time shocking often. The blue prints (I assume it is paint), in the bottom of my pool has faded and even disappeared in...
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    Iron stains

    Is there any danger that if I ignore the stains in my Vinyl pool that they will become permanent? In my case I had 2 years of really bad pool openings. I started doing BBB somewhere in the middle of the 2 and was worried that the bleach were causing the stains. After opening 1 the CYA was...