Yet another Texas pool build!

Ok also we made a big decision and decided to change our pebble sheen color from aqua blue to blue surf. When we got the samples it was a pretty instant decision. I even asked my wife what one she liked without showing her the names and she also picked the blue surf. We just like the plaster color better.

Also on my iphone App it looks like the tanning ledge might actually look like a beach or sand color more than the aqua blue. I am hoping that is the case and we are taking a minor gamble here. I really wanted the tanning ledge to have a sand look but my wife wanted the entire pool blue so I believe this is the perfect color for us.

Here are the samples. You can't really tell much difference in my photos. The aqua blue has the orange/blue specs in it where the blue surf has more tan/brown specs in it. (Blue surf is on the right in all the photos.

Well..... I was beginning to worry about you! I'm so glad it was just being busy and having fun!!! You are allowed. And you're right, I'm sure the vacation came at a much needed time to unwind and de-stress.

Your pool shell looks fabulous! It will be such a fun pool for you guys - and beautiful!

I'm a little envious over your Blue Surf. It seemed like the perfect blend of Blue Granite and Aqua Blue. But I'm too much of a wimp to step out of my box and try it. I finally decided for me and the small size of our yard, that if it were too dark, it would be too close to the house. I think even if it's a little darker, it will look great in your yard since it is so big!

I will be dying to see your water pictures. So please tell the pool people to get busy, busy, busy!!!

Glad you're back!
Looking forward to seeing your blue smurf!! :smurf:

I like the blue surf. I regret not going darker, when the Texas sun hits the entire pool it looks really light.

Thanks we really are excited about it. Part of the excitement is we'll be the first by our builder to have the color and they do a lot of Pebble Sheen.

Well..... I was beginning to worry about you! I'm so glad it was just being busy and having fun!!! You are allowed. And you're right, I'm sure the vacation came at a much needed time to unwind and de-stress.

Your pool shell looks fabulous! It will be such a fun pool for you guys - and beautiful!

I'm a little envious over your Blue Surf. It seemed like the perfect blend of Blue Granite and Aqua Blue. But I'm too much of a wimp to step out of my box and try it. I finally decided for me and the small size of our yard, that if it were too dark, it would be too close to the house. I think even if it's a little darker, it will look great in your yard since it is so big!

I will be dying to see your water pictures. So please tell the pool people to get busy, busy, busy!!!

Glad you're back!

Thanks I think you are right. I really liked the blue granite but my wife wanted it really blue. I really do think the blue surf is blue granite but with blue plaster instead of grey plaster. We'll see soon enough probably.

I think our build will still be pretty slow. We have a lot of things in our design that the pool builder isn't really comfortable with like the retaining walls and irrigation stuff (which I had included in my contract so partially my fault). I think this will slow that down until that work is done. I pick out boulders tomorrow supposedly.
I gave up trying to get him to delete it. If I leave the plumbing in the cost he would credit me for hte pump and the cleaner is so low I don't think it is worth it. I'll use it for a season and get a robot. Then maybe I can sell the used stuff somehow. I bet I could sell it used for more than what he wants to credit me for it.

Just reading through your build and catching up. Funny how that works isn't it? If you want credit for something it seems pennies on the dollar. You want to add something it seems like it costs twice retail and then some.

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Thanks for the photo you have a beautiful pool. I am pretty sure my wife won't change her mind on it. I am ok with it but I have brought up the idea several times and she doesn't budge and I think if I brought it up again I would cause more issues :)
Minor update...

I am slightly annoyed because the builder told me there was no way my pool was going to encroach into my easement. Turns out it is really close to the point I might have to take 3" off of my far side deck. Just means it won't be perfectly circular and he plans on stretching it out some to make up the difference in the size. This shouldn't have happened. The pool could have been angled about 4 inches over and solved this problem. Oh well! I might be having to get a survey. It really isn't that big of a deal just more stress that I don't need right now.

On another note I am also having problems now with materials. I am very ANAL about things and I think part of it is my nature and part of it is being an engineer and learning what I don't research now will bite me later. Anyway when picking out all the materials I asked the designer several times about the colors available for the coping. When looking at the pavers for the life of me I couldn't figure out the coping. I couldn't figure out what Belgard product it was exactly. Nothing was matching the sample he had. I asked him about this and he said they could get the coping in any color and he would order the color that matched my deck pavers. Turns out yesterday he called (he never calls me anymore I am working strictly with my girlfriend... more on that later). The coping material he chose isn't available in the color I picked and they have me scheduled for coping this week. Grrr. So I go get samples after I finally figured out what it was and with some help from the place that carries the pavers in Austin. I purposely went with the lightest color belgard for my deck knowing they could get too hot if I got any hint of a dark paver. Turns out the samples for the coping are more yellow. I am not sure if I like it but I don't really have a choice in this at the moment unless I switch material. That is the problem is there is no real examples of this combination on line and I have trouble visualizing the entire picture from a couple samples sitting in my driveway. Plus in addition to that my tile and coping is being held up now because they didn't order the stacked stone for my bond beam which should have been ordered by the PB when they ordered the tile. I guess I have further delays.

In Suz's pool thread I made a funny comment about my new PB construction manager. He really does contact me a lot which I really appreciate. I mentioned that he is kinda like a girlfriend in that I know he is going to call me at least every 4 to 6 hours. Well last night we went on our first date and he picked me up in his truck and we went to the stone yard. We had to pick some large rocks to accent around my pool. Well here is the pallet we picked:
Nice looking stone! Can you show us pics of the pavers?

The samples are tough to take photos of so here we go.

Here is a photo I found of the coping paver in the color that is currently available. It is called Belgard Mega Bergerac, color is hill country. It is pretty yellow...

Here is the deck pavers but this picture is the wrong color. It is called Belgard Mega Arbel:

Here is another type of paver we aren't using but is the same color we selected for our deck called Danville Beige:
The coping paver looks more pink than yellow to me. I like it. But you're right. It's hard to tell without them being next to each other.

The designer I think is right and I am blowing this out of proportion. My stacked stone and my boulders have a bunch of variation so the coping doesn't have to match the deck 100%. Plus I also have sanded colored concrete in my design too that will blend all together. I am just going to go with it and find out later :)

The stone yard has been amazing. I totally would recommend them to everyone. I have so many samples they have sent home with me in my driveway (I don't want them getting dirty). Yesterday they gave me a bunch of different sealers to put on the samples to see if I like the natural, satin, or gloss look. So now I gotta start sealing the stones I have to see what I like.

Oh and tomorrow I'll take photos of my samples wet and dry so everyone can see. I just haven't taken pictures of them yet and I won't get home tonight until after dark.

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