Winterize main drain question


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2020
I am winterizing my main drain with an air lock and have a question. When I blow air from the pump on the equipment pad air bubbles only came out of one of the two main drains (they are a couple feet apart in the deep end. Any thoughts on why? Can’t figure this one out
Are you sure they’re plumbed together ? If so one leg after the split may be a tad shorter and the bubbles went out the easier way. Even with a perfect ‘T’ the air may decide to go left and not right.

As long as they are fed by one run, the high side of the pipe by the equipment pad should be plenty clear. A few gallons 8 ft down won’t matter. The horizontal pipe near the drains will refill as soon as you stop blowing anyway. It will glug glug glug until it’s full. The air will stay trapped where the pipe bends upward.
Are you sure they’re plumbed together ? If so one leg after the split may be a tad shorter and the bubbles went out the easier way. Even with a perfect ‘T’ the air may decide to go left and not right.

As long as they are fed by one run, the high side of the pipe by the equipment pad should be plenty clear. A few gallons 8 ft down won’t matter. The horizontal pipe near the drains will refill as soon as you stop blowing anyway. It will glug glug glug until it’s full. The air will stay trapped where the pipe bends upward.
Thanks for the response. It is fed by 1 run. Didn’t think about one being a bit shorter or air favoring one side. Was concerned about the one side possible having a leak at the main drain or a clog.
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Most likely the pipe went in fairly center and one side is a few inches longer to make the drains dead center for asthetics. Enjoy your winter :)
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