Why is ideal range on test strips so low for FC

Because the pool industry doesn't recognized the FC/CYA relationship. Even though its been known since the mid 70's. If they did recongize it and admit that it works, they wouldn't be able to sell all of the high priced chemicals they do, and they would go out of business.

Im sure you know though, that in any case, those test strips are terribly inaccurate. The TF100 test kit is the only way to go.
Welcome to TFP, :wave:

Adding to what Dave said above 1-3 would be ideal if you didnt need stabilizer (Cya) but you do because most pools outdoors lose that much or more just from sunlight exposure and Cyanuric Acid protects it from UV degradation. But the higher your Cya, th higher your FC level needs to be. Please jump into pool school and begin with the ABCs. Ask all the questions you might need too, and there will always be folks around who are happy to help out. Although we do things differently than most "industry standards" say, there is a lot of science behind it, and it works exceptionally well.

Jim R.:whip: :lol:
Thanks Jim/Dave,

I think then people get in trouble with algae that use pucks and the strips. Everything looks okay to them based in strip ideal level, but the fc needs to be much higher as they build cya.

Im using bleach. For me the big problem with pucks is need to drain on occasion. The water here is really basic and drain and refill costs water but also you have to use lots of acid due to water from tap being so basic.

My plan is to keep cya on low range, around 40. I don't want it going to 60 to 70 because I am afraid of higher fc being needed and dog and my 2 year old occasionally drinking out of pool. Both ignore my orders. I'm not sure if fc being higher can cause risk, so I'm keeping cya on low side to be careful.
Based on my 7 years of Texas experience...........if your pool has a lot of full sun..........60 CYA ain't a bad number to minimize FC consumption. Play with it and see what your daily loss is.

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This I where I'm aiming. Last year I kept it around 40 and would take fc to about 4 each night.

it worked pretty good, no algae but I would lose lots of fc.

at CYA 40, i would keep mine between 5-8 just to keep a margin for error.

Mine drifts down to 5 each evening, and i would pour in 90 oz of bleach in after the sun is off the pool.
in 30 minutes or so, FC is back up to 8. Maybe, once night a week, i might pour in the whole jug when the 100 degree days arrive.
This gives me 12 hours of sanitizing without sun to compromise the chlorine.
12-14 hours of Texas sun here each summer.
at CYA 40, i would keep mine between 5-8 just to keep a margin for error.

Mine drifts down to 5 each evening, and i would pour in 90 oz of bleach in after the sun is off the pool.
in 30 minutes or so, FC is back up to 8. Maybe, once night a week, i might pour in the whole jug when the 100 degree days arrive.
This gives me 12 hours of sanitizing without sun to compromise the chlorine.
12-14 hours of Texas sun here each summer.

Should I worry about 5-8 on high side ? Reason I ask is I have dog that drinks from pool and my two year old will drink on occasion from pool despite our best efforts to stop her.
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