I'm a first-time spa owner - it was set in place on March 5th, and hooked up by my electrician on March 14th. I purchased bromine tablets (bromo-chloro-dimethlyhydantoin) and a floater for my spa (a Hot Spring Limelight Flair), then I read the manual which states "DO NOT use tri-chlor chlorine, bromo-chloro-dimethylhydantoin (BCDMH), or any type of compressed bromine or chlorine, acid, or any type of sanitizer which is not recommended by WATKINS WELLNESS."
Why do they say not to use compressed bromine?
I have not used the bromine tablets for fear it will void my warranty, but I also can't return them.
Why do they say not to use compressed bromine?
I have not used the bromine tablets for fear it will void my warranty, but I also can't return them.