Why do vinyl chemical levels vary so much on other websites

May 24, 2015
Sydney, australia

TFP gives the following levels for a vinyl pool (no SWG):

with Bleach
FC 3-7 (See chart)
pH 7.2-7.8
TA 50-90+
CH 0-350 (Don't add)
CYA 30-50

When I refer to other websites, particularly liner specialists, the range is very different:

Total alkalinity100-150 ppm
Calcium hardness200-300 ppm
Cyanuric acid30-100 ppm
Free chlorine1-4 ppm

Does anyone know why the advice is so different?

I tested my pool yesterday and my pH is around 7.8 to 7.9. TA is 90-100 so I was planning to lower the TA slightly before lowering the pH. But according to other websites my TA is actually low.

I'm thinking I'll just lower the pH to 7.6 and not worry about the TA for now.

Adding acid to lower PH will also lower TA anyway. We have lowered our TA recommended levels over the years as we have found through feedback from many members and personal experiences of many contributing members that the pH is much easier to manage when TA is lower. With TA at 120 or higher it will continually push your pH up requiring frequent acid additions to lower PH which will in turn lower your TA and then you'll need to add baking soda to raise TA which will push your pH up, repeat, repeat, repeat. There is no downside to having TA somewhere between 50 and 70.
Yep, that's one of the ways to lower TA. Dropping down to 7.0 each time will do it faster. This is the medium speed way to drop TA.

Or you can just add acid when you see pH over 7.8 and drop your pH to 7.6 each time. Your TA may not drop noticeably, or will fall slowly.

Or you can use the procedure mentioned, and lower TA quickly. Lower TA will slow down the acid additions.

TFPC chem levels will give you long liner life. If you need tests to protect warranty or something like that, you can run low CYA (say 30) and FC at 3-4 ppm, or just grab a pool store test when you have those levels, and get it back to best levels after you have that piece of paper in the drawer. Keeping TA in the range you mention from liner specialists or pool stores will keep you on the acid/buffer roller coaster as mentioned.
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