71 yesterday without turning the heater on or putting the solar cover on. I'll throw the cover on later this week and hopefully get the water up to 80 midway into April.
Ran it at 92° again in the Houston area this weekend. Really nice having that hot spa spillway dumping on an already warm pool. I'll be doing everything I can to get that temp down though in a few short months. haha
I just checked mine..56. We have several below freezing nights coming up in the next week, but above freezing during the day. I am debating if to open this week.. or wait until the second week in April when my "pool boy" comes back from his business trip in Houston.
68, down from 72 surface :-( 65 at 9 feet deep though. Overnight lows are killing my surface temp but it's supposed to be in the mid 90's all week here so that will swing!
Doesn't hurt to put them on "early", the lows here have been less than 50 with the highs in the low 70's. Even with some cloudy days here and there my pool is 84.
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