What's your current pool temp?

Was up in the 70's until I pulled the solar cover off yesterday to put in the new (to me) Aquabot. Was glad to have a robot in the pool to clean up the bottom. Now at mid 60's, but still good to have it open and will put the cover back on to keep it warm over night. Expecting warm temps next week.
I am really surprised at how quick I lost temp by leaving the solar cover off overnight. Was a good therapy day brushing and working the bot in the pool even though the temps are in the 50's!
I built a simple homemade solar heater and bought a solar cover a few months ago. My pool temps have been in the mid 80's since mid March. I'm kind of happy about that. Here in Mesa Arizona, I should be able to leave the cover off and retain the temps in a few weeks or so.
It's in the low 90's for the next 10 days here and the pool is almost a necessity now. WOOHOO!
Mine is at a very comfortable 87 and it's been there for well over a month now. Just one of the perks of living in the Phoenix metro area. HA!
I made some solar heaters and I must say, they work FANTASTIC. Along with a solar cover I can keep my pool nice and warm most of the year with the exception of late December until about the end of Feb or early March.
I'm thrilled about that. Woohoo!
The pool hit 71 today. Seems like winter is running all the way into May this year in Pennsylvania. I made a large solar panel last year so the last 2 days brought it up 10 degrees. The kids jump from the 101 degree spa to the 60 degree pool like its nothing. Not me, no sir. I sit in the spa all night and watch, but I won't get into the pool till its 85. And if it's not the warm by Memorial day I turn on the pool heater.

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Opened today, pool temp at 56F and can you believe it,6 swimmers right now! Only one that spent more than 2 minutes straight in it. Must be his Norwegian blood. Currently, the hot tub is getting a lot of use, with brief forays into the arctic waters now.

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