What's your current pool temp?

87! Enjoying it right now!

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drywall guy.... That's some sweet lookin' water.

- - - Updated - - -

My pool got to 94 degrees yesterday, ran the pool "chiller" last night for 12 hours and dropped the temp down to 84. Temp was back up to 89 a few hours ago, but what a nice day to swim. Crazy hot and humid and the pool was in the mid 80's... 85 to about 88 seems to be the sweet spot for us to swim. We dont' like cold water, but 94 degrees is not refreshing at all....
Was up to 89 two days ago and started to leave the cover off at night. At 89 it just wasn't very refreshing to dive in after a hard morning of gardening and weed pulling !!

Have it back down to 82 now. I was a little surprised it can get up to 90 here in Wisconsin without a heater.
We have been getting up to 90 for much of the last month - I will leave the cover open if it gets that high. Even with a week foggy 65 degree cold days (they call August "Fogust" around here) we still are getting up to the upper 80's each day. If we get any hot days it will probably climb back towards 90, and I will leave to cover off at night to help it cool down.

We get 52-55 nights most of the summer so it cools off pretty easily here. We just spent a few days in the San Diego area and I was surprised by how much warmer the nights are down south - I can't remember the last time our daily low temp went above 60 up here...That is what happens when you live next to the colder parts of the Pacific Ocean.

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