What did you do to your pool today?

-That's some beautiful aeration! Bravo!
-I removed leaves and added water at the same time using the net/hose/leaf bagger. Circulated, tested, bleached, circulated, retested. Almost warm enough for swimming...
-Quick thanks to everyone in this thread who has become a TFP supporter! I love seeing all those shields! It helps us keep this ad-free site going strong, complete with enough hosting to share awesome pictures like that aeration shot!! THANK YOU TFP SUPPORTERS!

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Not quite today, but things have been busy.

After inheriting a pool with nearly an 1/8th inch layer of scale on it, I spent the last year with aggressive chemistry trying to clean it up. This resulted in my CH reading spiking nastily. Coupled with older, porous plaster, I wanted to drain to fix the CH problem as well as try sanding some areas that were problematic.

Drain went well, sanding, no so well. I think the old plaster is just too soft. Gave that up and refilled. Realized after filling that I should have shopvacced the plaster residue from sanding up before filling. :p
Yesterday added 2.5 lbs of stabilizer, adjusted pH after a full TF100 workup (minus CYA), and started a SLAM. Pump running constantly and have increasing PSI due to plaster dust (and hopefully not algae). Will have to clean the cartridge very soon.
I have been looking at my poor pool and thinking about how I shall tackle it on 4/22/18 which is my first day of a 3 week vacation I took so I can clean it. Since having my foot reconstructed in August, I couldn't cover it and hubby never got around to it either. So I guess I'll be using it as a teaching tool for Defeating Algae with a DE Filter 2018. :mrgreen:

If it has that lovely layer of muck and solids on the bottom, I'm a big fan of an initial siphon vacuum before your SLAM (assuming your fill water is friendly from a chem and price standpoint). We all have full confidence in you and know that swamp stands no chance. It will be nice to get another data point for how long a 1 winter abandoned pool of your size takes with a DE filter of your size.
If it has that lovely layer of muck and solids on the bottom, I'm a big fan of an initial siphon vacuum before your SLAM (assuming your fill water is friendly from a chem and price standpoint). We all have full confidence in you and know that swamp stands no chance. It will be nice to get another data point for how long a 1 winter abandoned pool of your size takes with a DE filter of your size.

I'm definitely going to vac to waste the whole bottom before I slam the pool. I'll top it off first and continue the process until it's complete. When it froze over, all the algae fell out of suspension and rested on the bottom of the pool. I have very little leaf debris due to no trees being around the pool except a pine tree above it in the neighbor's yard. I think I can have it near completion in a week. We'll see in a few short weeks.
You need floc for sure...and some clarifier....oh, and don’t forget to add LOTS of phosphate remover before you start. Then I’d suggest 25# of dichlor shock....easy-peasy lemon-squeezy :deal:

I look forward to seeing the green-brown muck of your discharge hose when you backwash all that dead algae out.

Good luck ;)
I need to go get my water tested at the pool store too. I'll buy everything they sell me!

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