What did you do to your pool today?

2 more days of gray and rain with the temps not even breaking 80 today. Hard to complain when the rain is needed but that won't stop me from trying. The dogs are bouncing off the walls without their daily swim sessions. Me too.

Finally dumped some bleach in.
Getting hammered with lots of rain. Got 2.56 inches of rain yesterday and 0.9 inches so far for today. Now my pool is close to overflowing:(
Burned off a few hours worth of natural gas to get the pool up to 87F and then threw the kids in for a late afternoon swim. I will now watch all of the dollar bills evaporate off my pool tonight ... but it was worth it [emoji857][emoji857][emoji857]

We’ve got high 90’s predicted for the entire week so maybe there will be another swim or two before I call it quits...

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Not a good pool day today. Automation controls are cooked from a power surge. had 3 pool companies out last Thurs. to give me replacement quotes. have not heard back from any of them yet.
Spent today learning how to then rewiring my pumps to the breakers, bypassing controls so I could get circulation and the Polaris running. Its up and running.
Not a good pool day today. Automation controls are cooked from a power surge. had 3 pool companies out last Thurs. to give me replacement quotes. have not heard back from any of them yet.
Spent today learning how to then rewiring my pumps to the breakers, bypassing controls so I could get circulation and the Polaris running. Its up and running.

TFP recommends you add one of these to your automation panel (especially if you ever own a variable speed pump) -

Square D by Schneider Electric HEPD80 Home Electronics Protective Device

Did my monthly chemical testing and lowered my pH since it had climbed up over 8.2 now aerating to bring pH back up to 7.6 or so. Tested the TA and it is now down to 60 which I will leave there for awhile to see if my pH stops climbing so quickly...
It's been covered for 2 weeks straight (too cold to swim at 62 degrees) so I plopped in the Dolphin E10
and let him do his duty.

I DO NOT miss manual vacuuming or getting out / priming hoses for the suction cleaner I used before.

I DO still love watching the vac (robot or suction) do it's work....mesmerizing!
I've long wondered what my Square D was all about. Now I know!

Its 57 here this am, which is actually warm for Michigan morning in October. Thanks to my solar cover, pool is 92 so time for swim therapy ;) T-minus 1 week til the winter dome goes up!
I picked a few leaves off of the cover and brushed a little half-heartedly where I could reach without moving the cover the whole way off. Waiting for the leaves to finish falling off the trees near the pool, then I'll remove the cover. Thinking I might end up with pine needles in it, it's been so dry. One windy day and I'll be in trouble. Our front yard is full of them.

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