Wet Edge Over Time

Jul 20, 2017
For those of you with Wet Edge what has been your experience over time on how the finish has held up. Have you had pebble loss? Do you have any small places or areas where there is finish missing or that has come out? (e.g. like a divot or a place where it looks like 1 or 2 large pebbles have come out) Have any of you ever done touch ups or repairs? How did they turn out?

My father has an all glass-tile people that does require him to do maintenance every few years. My understanding on a pebble finish like Wet Edge was that it should be very low maintenance.

But I'm also curious as to what my expectations should be.
Aggregate finishes (WetEdge, PebbleTec, etc), when properly installed, should last a very long long time (>10+ years) before any serious issues will show up. All aggregate finishes are prone to shed a little bit in the first year (I found plenty of small pebbles in my pump basket the first year) but that's typically from the plaster material getting into the plumbing during install and then some minor shedding of the exposed aggregate as your brush and vacuum. If the plaster applicator does their job correctly, you should not have any large chunks or divots in the surface.

That said, plaster will fade and that's a fact. It's far worse with darker colors like dark blues and grey colors. Darker colors are also much harder to get an even color surface from and will show mottling over time ("splotches" of lighter and darker shades).
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