Well, I screwed up...

It would be 11,700 gallons if I filled it to the rail, which of course I dont. 10,400 based on a 48" fill. I was debating having a pool store test it just for the fun of it to see how close I actually am to being right... Maybe Tuesday I'll do that. Not at 80 yet though. Today's test showed 100.
I was kinda wondering about that since you didn't say what the 20% drain resulted in. Your latest results off 100 can actually be well above that. You might try to do a diluted test as described in the extended test kit instructions: http://www.troublefreepool.com/threads/24188-Extended-Test-Kit-Directions

If your CYA level is 90 or higher, repeat the test adjusting the procedure as follows:
Fill the mixing bottle to the lower mark with pool water.
Continue filling the mixing bottle to the upper mark with tap water.
Shake briefly to mix.
Pour off half of the contents of the mixing bottle, so it is again filled to the lower mark.
Continue the test normally from step 3, but multiply the final result by two.
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